An ambicultural approach to entrepreneurship:Entrepreneur Mindset and Lean Startup

17 May, 2022
  • Abstract

Entrepreneurs play an important role in economic development and new job creation. The mindset of entrepreneurs is the force behind their decisions and actions. The entrepreneurial mindset is driven by both nature (e.g., personality traits) and nurture (i.e., through learning and practices). It is also influenced by culture. In this proposed research, we will conduct literature research to identify connection between entrepreneurial mindset and culture in major Chinese schools of thought, i.e., Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism. Key Chinese canonical texts such as Book of Changes and Dàodé Jīng (Laozi) will be researched to identify/ discover the innovation DNA and guiding principles. The finding will be integrated with contemporary practices in entrepreneurship, such as Lean Startup, Design Thinking, and Business Model Canvas, Customer Development Model. These practices are methodologies that can guide entrepreneurs through interactive processes in discovering, validating, and implementing innovative ideas into new businesses.

Most entrepreneurship books and cases are from the west. Such literature is useful for guiding entrepreneurs. However, we believe that an ambicultural approach to entrepreneurship can be more beneficial to practitioners in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Our research project plans to develop a manuscript of a book that is grounded in Chinese schools of thought and draws upon the best practices and knowledge from the entrepreneurship world. Field and case studies on non-profit organizations, existing business and/or new ventures in Hong Kong and Mainland China will be conducted to provide proper context for audiences of the proposed book.

  • Deliverables

Publish a book that is grounded in Chinese schools of thought and draws upon the best practices and knowledge from the entrepreneurship world.